The present is your #1 tool to release anxiety. Come to now, come here, right now, where you're at. Not where your mind takes you. Not to the past, nor the future. Right now, light is in perfect flow.
* Before you start this meditation, download this quick road map so you can do if after your meditation when your mind and heart are clear of pollution ;)
* If you need more clarity, here are a few more maps for your journey.
* And if you need some lovely music for it, here is a Spotify playlist for your soul.
When you’re feeling anxious, the world is just too much, you might even do things that unintentionally fuel your anxiety. What is happening is that you are hyperfocus on the future, and getting carried away by a case of what-ifs. But it is all a fabrication of our minds. To reduce anxiety we must come to the present, to the now. The only place that really matters, and allowing things to play the way they need to be played. Removing control or an end result in the way you want it to be. Surrender to the present path, the Universe's plan, it always knows the best way to success.
Happiness is a continuous momentum, and in order to ride this wave as smooth as possible from you know...old emotions or sad commercials, we need a technique to swerve around your negative triggers. The good news, there is a way through every block. Let's work on a powerful breathing technique called ego eradicator. This technique will remove all blocks, release negative thoughts and open up your body to feeling better, at ease.
This simple breath is known to produce complex inner changes as we let go of the tension that we may have stored in our body. Strong emotions may start to emerge as blocks and subconscious wounds are released and cleared. It is a powerful way to release negativity and cut through anything that is blocking you. We store our emotions in our lungs, so when you open your lungs through the breath, release happens.
This technique also increases vital energy, strengthens the magnetic field and repairs and balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Music: You can be in silent with your breath, or listen to this mantra HERE
Time: Practice this meditation for 3, 11 or 31 minutes.
Eyes: Eyes are closed.
Pose: Sit comfortably. Raise the arms up to a 60-degree angle. Keep the elbows straight and the shoulders down. Lower your neck, softly.
Breath: Breath of Fire.
- Start by panting through your mouth like a puppy on a hot day. Your breathing becomes a series of short forceful exhalations, at a speed of two to three exhalations per second. Feel your belly contract inwards with each exhalation. The inhalation comes in effortlessly between the exhalations, creating an easy natural balance of airflow. Once you have the rhythm, keep it going as you close your mouth. Now you are breathing at the same speed, but in and out of your nose. Imagine that your thumbs are like antennae charging up your aura.
To end: Inhale deeply and bring the arms overhead with the thumb tips touching. Open the fingers, exhale and relax the arms down.
I hope this finds you well, helps you move and continue going. If you want more meditations you can find them here and if you are loving what these mantras do for us you can read more about them here!
P.S: Don't forget to download your road map, and stay comfy and cozy while doing this beautiful practice with this perfect mantra!