The Spiritual Laundry cards are based on the 13th Chakra system. These 74 cards are the reflection of the Universe’s expression. You see, everything the Universe is, you are too. From the most incredibly complex structures to the most beautiful spurts of color — all in one place; you. You are one with the entire Universe; you are one with your soul. So let's get to know our energy system, and what we are made off. The other side of who you are. You are not just human, you are soul. And they are both made of energy!
The Earth Star Chakra; is not located in your physical body. She is located about twelve inches below your feet, in the etheric (or non-physical) body. This beauty holds and grounds your connection with source while here on Earth.
The Root Chakra; sit at the base of your spine. She is know for her bright red tones. She gives us the strength to be nurtured by our nature, and allow our human to experience and learn what it means to be.
The Meng Mein Chakra; sit at the back of your spine, 1 or 2 inches bellow your belly button. She is knows for her redish-orange tones. She holds the connection with our ancestors, and teaches us to forgive, to release and to find independence within.
The Sexual Chakra; sit right bellow the belly button, in front of the meng mein chakra. She is knowns for her orange tones. She moves you up towards your highest purpose by giving birth to all you create.This is your present, all that maters, for the shifts always happen through the feeling, and feeling are ignite and fertilized by your senses.
The Belly Button Chakra; sit right on your belly button and is know for her orange-yellow tones. This beauty does the digestion for all in and around you, allowing you to accept all as is and will be.
The Solar Plexus Chakra; sits in the upper abdomen, two inches above the navel. Known by her yellow tones. This beauty holds your power, and your inner child. It is here where the inferior, lower, primal energy jumps to be expanded by love.
The Tree of Life Chakra; sits on the left side of your body, by your spleen. She is know to be light-lime green.This beauty is the vitality of your nature. She knows your hidden pain and the way you love, she will show you how you flow with both.
The Heart Chakra; sits on your heart. She is know for her golden, yellow tones, that where seen as green when documented and described a long time ago. I love this story! She connects you with everything. She surrenders the primal instincts and offers them to the Universe. Here you are everything and anything all at once.
The Throat Chakra; sits on your throat. She is know for her blue tones. She is the secrete passage and door into your soul. To this guardian we bow for she holds your truth.
Your Third Eye Chakra; sits on your forehead. She is know for her blue-purple-indigo tones. She sees it all. She knows where you are heading and guides the way home. She is splendid conversations with higher dimensions with yourself in other forms.
The Crown Chakra; sits on the top of your head. She is know for her purple-pink tones. She is the crown that connects you home. The awareness that you are and indescribable joy. She always knows.
The Divine Star Chakra; is not located in the physical body either. She sits about twelve inches above your head, in the etheric (or non-physical) body. She holds the most precious part of you, she is your light, your prayer and your service. She is the connection to source and your spiritual lineage.
CHAKRA GLANDS - ; I included these two beauties in our cards because they are very important. Your Thymus gland holds your Divine Memory. She is the book of your soul. Your Pineal Gland holds the downloads that comes from source.
Each card has been coded to unlock and wash that energy center/part of you that needs your attention to keep moving. My wish; that you start to embrace this multidimensional being that you are and genuinely love and accept your light because your presence is now being requested.
>>> Get your I AM Cards HERE
>>> Get your Magic Planner Book HERE to work with these Cards.
>>> Get the Planner + Cards bundle HERE
I hope this serves you, all of my love, M
Join our Monday and sometimes Friday Spiritual Laundry conversations (I like to be very respectful of your inbox.) Start your week aligned; give your mind a break, and let your soul guide the way. Blessings, 💗 M.