If you find yourself stuck in a story, struggling to gain momentum, let's unravel your stories — aka: life. Together, we will unveil the what, where, and why's of your path. Discover what needs release and observation to find clarity and keep you moving forward. Clarity is the strength of your soul. This session is designed for you to perceive your human layers through the lens of your soul. By viewing life through our soul's eyes, we expand, returning to our true essence — love. During this session, we will engage in journaling, visualization, and pranic healing.
If you find yourself stuck in a story, struggling to gain momentum, let's unravel your stories — aka: life. Together, we will unveil the what, where, and why's of your path. Discover what needs release and observation to find clarity and keep you moving forward. Clarity is the strength of your soul. This session is designed for you to perceive your human layers through the lens of your soul. By viewing life through our soul's eyes, we expand, returning to our true essence — love. During this session, we will engage in journaling, visualization, and pranic healing.
Find clarity for your path with an Intuitive Soul Work Session, and close your work by receiving and balancing your nervous system, spine, and energy field with an Energy Healing Session. Integrate what you've awakened during our session in this here-now-moment, and allow the body to meet your mind and heart.
Find clarity for your path with an Intuitive Soul Work Session, and close your work by receiving and balancing your nervous system, spine, and energy field with an Energy Healing Session. Integrate what you've awakened during our session in this here-now-moment, and allow the body to meet your mind and heart.
Uncover the root causes of physical imbalances, inflammation, redness, stress or friction. The emotional attachment and mental patterns behind these. And receive actionable steps to support your health and healing journey through the reading of your energetic blueprint. Gather the tools and awareness you may need to move through any physical manifestations and attend the mind and body to release and sooth these. Learn to understand the language of your body and its relationship with your path with a Medical Intuitive Session.
Uncover the root causes of physical imbalances, inflammation, redness, stress or friction. The emotional attachment and mental patterns behind these. And receive actionable steps to support your health and healing journey through the reading of your energetic blueprint. Gather the tools and awareness you may need to move through any physical manifestations and attend the mind and body to release and sooth these. Learn to understand the language of your body and its relationship with your path with a Medical Intuitive Session.
Join our Monday and sometimes Friday Spiritual Laundry conversations (I like to be very respectful of your inbox.) Start your week aligned; give your mind a break, and let your soul guide the way. Blessings, 💗 M.