Happiness is continuous momentum, and in order to ride this wave as smooth as possible from you know...old emotions or sad commercials, we need a technique to swerve around your negative triggers. The good news, it is always now and this technique will bring you back in just a few minutes. Let's work on a powerful breathing technique called ego eradicator. This technique will remove all blocks, release negative thoughts and open up your body to feeling good.
This simple breath is known to produce complex inner changes as we let go of the tension that we may have stored in our body. Strong emotions may start to emerge as blocks and subconscious wounds are released and cleared. It is a powerful way to release negativity and cut through anything that is blocking you. We store our emotions in our lungs, so when you open your lungs through the breath, release happens.
Practice this before you fall asleep or in the morning. “Grounding and centering” is a visualization and meditation exercise you can use to focus yourself on the present and learn to feel more whole, more aware. Try it whenever you are stressed, worried, or nervous. The image of a tree evokes feelings of stability and connectedness for many people. This may take some practice, but with diligence, you may find that this exercise helps you live in the moment.
Vibrate these mantras everywhere you go. It's the present that matters most.
Are you loving all of this goodness and enjoying taking care of yourself? I wrote a Workbook called Spiritual Laundry ~ check it out HERE. If you are not into books, I also offer this as a weekly spiritual delivery to your inbox! Either way, keep moving, and growing, falling in love with you.
Love, MM
P.S. What is this Spiritual Laundry Online Portal? Read all about it here :)
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